首页/新闻/We're sponsoring KubeCon+CloudNativeCon NA 2022 and launching DBPlusSuite to bring Database Plus & Database Mesh offerings with a cloud native database governance architecture

We're sponsoring KubeCon+CloudNativeCon NA 2022 and launching DBPlusSuite to bring Database Plus & Database Mesh offerings with a cloud native database governance architecture

We are thrilled to sponsor the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2022 and to launch DBPlusSuite V1.1! Learn more or connect with us at our KubeCon booth.
2022/10/20by SphereEx

We are thrilled to be sponsoring the CNCF flagship conference KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2022 from October 24 - 28, 2022, and to launch DBPlusSuite V1.1!

As a CNCF silver member, SphereEx has been following through on its commitment to cloud native.

From Database Plus to Database Mesh, from supporting the 5.2.0 release of the popular Big Data project Apache ShardingSphere to initiating and sponsoring a new database mesh open source project with Pisanix 0.3.0, we have been fully committed to expanding cloud native possibilities.

We believe our sponsorship of KubeCon + CloudNativeCon proves this commitment again.

SphereEx builds distributed data infrastructures while delivering a SaaS experience through the cloud, and was founded by the core contributor team of Apache ShardingSphere - an open-source ecosystem to transform any database into a distributed database system and enhance it with data sharding, elastic scaling, encryption features & more.

We are now launching an enterprise-grade pluggable data service enhancement platform: SphereEx-DBPlusSuite V1.1, which includes SphereEx-Boot, SphereEx- Console, and SphereEx DBPlusEngine.

The business suite brings several features including Autoscaling, Traffic Governance, Data Sharding, and DistSQL while remaining multi-cloud, breaking performance records, and maintaining an open source DNA.

Our pioneering "Database Plus" and "Database Mesh" concepts that drive our work, are designed to unlock innovative ways to leverage and manage data and improve enterprise data applications.

Thanks to Apache ShardingSphere, our offerings have been tested by stock market-listed corporations in over 170 enterprise and production environments covering the financial, logistics, e-commerce, internet & cloud computing fields, to help achieve enterprise digital transformation.

You can join us virtually at our KubeCon virtual booth to learn more about DBPlusEngine, Database Mesh, Database Plus and Apache ShardingSphere.

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Enterprise-grade data services enhancement engine: SphereEx DB Plus Engine

SphereEx DB Plus Engine is an enterprise data service platform, built with Apache ShardingSphere at its core. In addition to ShardingSphere's functionality, DB Plus Engine provides features such as enterprise security, high-performance clusters, high-availability clusters, and more. It consists of two products, SphereEx DB Plus Engine-Driver and SphereEx DB Plus Engine-Proxy, to be deployed in combination or independently.

The newly released SphereEx DB Plus Engine-Proxy V1.1 focuses on updating capabilities in encryption and decryption, dual routing, and user privileges.

Data features:

• Autoscaling to automatically increase or decrease compute, memory, or networking resources. • Traffic governance to intelligently distribute traffic, for higher throughput and efficient query handling. • Data sharding to deal with massive data storage and computation. • Automatic data encryption and decryption support user-defined data types. • Dual routing: JDBC and Proxy integration based on dual routing capability.

User privilege management:

• Adds a new login mode: LDAP authentication. • Adds role management. • Adds table-level privilege control. • Adds column-level privilege control. • User privileges can be changed online.

Both SphereEx DB Plus Engine-Driver and SphereEx DB Plus Engine can provide standardized data scale-out, distributed transactions, and distributed governance capabilities - applicable to Java isomorphic & heterogeneous languages scenarios, and cloud-native environments.

Installation and deployment: SphereEx-Boot

SphereEx-Boot is the ideal solution to install and manage a variety of cluster management tools.

SphereEx-Boot V1.1 is a Python-developed command line tool for easy management of SphereEx DB Plus Engine-Proxy clusters, providing significant usability and compatibility improvements.

• In terms of usability, SphereEx-Boot provides an offline installation mode allowing users to install and deploy products in an offline environment with a single command. • In terms of compatibility, SphereEx-Boot supports the installation of Prometheus, allowing for the easy monitoring of SphereEx's product components.

In the context of the growing Apache ShardingSphere ecosystem, SphereEx-Boot manages many components within the SphereEx DB Plus Engine ecosystem and acts as a cluster management tool in enterprise production environments.

Data management and control: SphereEx-Console

SphereEx-Console, a data visualization platform for the management and control of the SphereEx enterprise data services platform, provides a user-friendly experience.

It's integrated into a solution including resources, instances, plugins, and more to provide a one-stop user experience with SphereEx DB Plus Engine at its core.

The newly released SphereEx-Console V1.1 further expands product capabilities in terms of cluster adaptation, DistSQL (Distributed SQL), and visualization.

• Cluster management: SphereEx-Console can manage the SphereEx DB-Plus-Engine cluster with one click and seamlessly access users' existing platforms, significantly improving product compatibility.

• DistSQL: SphereEx-Console fully supports DistSQL for its operation, enabling users to create and bind various kinds of tables - greatly improving usability for DBAs.

• Visualization: SphereEx-Console V1.1 enables users to customize monitoring indicators and interface management visualization.

SphereEx-Console, a SphereEx business data services cluster platform centered on managing Apache ShardingSphere, simplifies user configuration, operation, and deployment processes. Lowering entry barriers for beginners while solving enterprise management and control pain points, delivers enhanced operation & management to enterprises.

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Our business suite will continue following the Database Plus design concept for distributed database systems, while the "cloud" being our key technology development trend.

Today, cloud native has become essengtial for hosting large-scale applications and mastering the future of technology.

SphereEx will actively adapt to the data needs of cloud native scenarios, bringing cloud native databases closer to users and providing enterprises with flexible and efficient cloud data governance to accelerate their transition from on-premise to cloud.

Official Website: https://www.sphere-ex.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sphere-ex/ Twitter: @Sphere_Ex Apache ShardingSphere: https://shardingsphere.apache.org Pisanix: https://www.pisanix.io KubeCon Registration: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america/ Our KubeCon Booth: https://tinyurl.com/SphereEx-Booth

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Pisanix v0.3.0 is Released, Introducing Data Sharding Strategy!


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SphereEx-DBPlusEngine V1.3.0: Enhanced Functionality for Better Data Governance

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iQiyi migrates ShardingSphere’s local distributed capability to the cloud with Database Mesh’s Pisanix

SphereEx builds a complete enterprise data security ecosystem

SphereEx-DBPlusEngine provides an enterprise cross-platform data security solution for heterogeneous environments requiring zero changes to the original code.

We’ve launched on the AWS Marketplace and been recognized as an AWS APN Technology Partner!

We’re now an AWS APN Technology Partner, and available on the AWS Marketplace with our DBPlusEngine, and Apache ShardingSphere & ShardingSphere for Kubernetes packaged by us. They offer autoscaling, traffic governance, encryption, data sharding, high availability, and DistSQL (Distributed SQL). Available free, for anyone.
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