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Conf42: Kube Native | Kube Native Goes Live!

Are you cloud native? Do you love Kubernetes? Come and explore the magic world of Kubernetes!
2022/10/11by SphereEx

Are you cloud native? Do you love Kubernetes? Have you gotten rid of the monolith and adopted microservices… and then perhaps moved back to the monolith like Istio did?

If any of this applies to you, just join Con42: Kube Native together with us!

We'll join Con42: Kube Native on October 20, 2022. It's our second time participating in the Con42 conferences. This time, our Co-Founder and CTO will deliver a speech named online OLTP computing and traffic governance as a service for true digital transformation.

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It will help you to learn how to load balance and manage data traffic between apps and databases and how to deliver optimal user experience while maintaining query cost awareness. This talk will focus on providing you with a solution for elastic and secure OLTP cloud computing with your MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, and Oracle database.

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Conf42: Kube Native | Kube Native Goes Live!

Are you cloud native? Do you love Kubernetes? Come and explore the magic world of Kubernetes!

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