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SphereEx Represents Apache ShardingSphere at FOSDEM!

Apache ShardingSphere was at FOSDEM 2022. Our CTO and Apache ShardingSphere PMC Trista Pan shared on "PostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building" in the PostgreSQL track.
2022/09/27by SphereEx

Our team at SphereEx had the pleasure of representing Apache ShardingSphere at FOSDEM - the Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting. FOSDEM is a non-commercial, volunteer-organized European event centered on free and open-source software development.

FOSDEM recording

The FOSDEM session focused on introducing how to empower PostgreSQL thanks to the ecosystem provided by Apache ShardingSphere.

ShardingSphere’s capability to transform any DBMS into a distributed database system, and enhance it with data sharding, elastic scaling, and encryption features is unique among current open source projects.

Link: PostgreSQL Distributed & Secure Database Ecosystem Building

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