首页/活动/SphereEx Sponsors the Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit North America 2022

SphereEx Sponsors the Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit North America 2022

Welcome to 2022 Open Source Summit North America!
2022/06/17by SphereEx

We are excited to be sponsoring the The Linux Foundation's 2022 Open Source Summit North America!

Our commitment to open source is strong.

As a company founded by a group of passionate open source contributors to the Apache ShardingSphere project, and initiators of Pisanix, our interepretation of database mesh 2.0, we are thrilled to be part of this event.

Stop by to say hi to us virtually, at our virtual booth! We're happy to chat about everything Apache ShardingSphere, and Database Mesh 2.0.

Register here: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-north-america/


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